Hi Tokonauts!
We express our gratitude for your enthusiasm in participating in the #SiapLebihEksis Drop held by TokoMall. Congratulations to the winners!
The following is a list of the winners:
Social Media ID |
@Ananda77997209 |
@nangogie |
@ozora008 |
@poorbrokesystem |
@herawan_ |
@GamingGoolem |
@annoyedds |
@Maryve90 |
@_denver91 |
@romyirawann |
@an_alfian09 |
@Irenius_denizzW |
@anandarizkychaniago |
@Ananda77997209 |
@xodokyso |
@DionzRonanz |
@kingg_aziz |
@puputsop |
@_denver91 |
@Aplus19887592 |
@novialanis |
@heyher_ |
@CryptoHodlerId |
@AzkaParto |
@xodokyso |
@efhraim |
@Bagus80809871 |
@bambangp___ |
@sandalwood.beats |
@combotrial |
@Apriant_Yda |
@ahenryeka |
@rezky.jinglemaster |
@Maryve90 |
@azkaparto |
@pempidont |
@romyirawann |
@liemingluk |
@re.ngga |
@syarahfdlikaa |
@teehuik9 |
@Bagus80809871 |
@nangogie |
@byffrrn |
@ayikkk_23 |
@Akmalr_26 |
@darmabaktiargunawan |
@A7H7E |
@xodokyso |
@halimvirggoo |
@abikosimbolon9 |
@tanganjauh___ |
@ayikk.23 |
@yudhamp99 |
@an_alfian09 |
@Bagus80809871 |
@xodokyso |
@tan_wendi |
@Ira7864 |
@phoneticstudios |
@herawan_ |
@ApekTahua |
@puputsop |
@xhainnnn |
@phoneticstudios |
@GamingGoolem |
@heyyitslilii |
@dhymasynd |
@poorbrokesystem |
@annoyedds |
@re.ffi |
@combotrial |
@byffrrn |
@YudhaMP99 |
@raihan_mlya |
@darmabaktiargunawan |
@Bambangp___ |
@KielD_1 |
@dims_fajr |
@anton_cpa_aseancpa_bkp_rna79 |
@rennalie |
@buzzercuan |
@bgjee1 |
@dadargenjang |
@domoreact |
@_denver91 |
@anandarizkychaniago |
@ozora008 |
@Luciacun |
@DionzRonanz |
@dhymasynd |
@GamingGoolem |
@_denver91 |
@f_taufikkk |
@_denver91 |
@heyher_ |
@Bgjee1 |
@Irenius_denizzW |
@mangafraa |
@bacoksai |
@xodokyso |
@fadhilahtaufik2 |
@yoimint3 |
@an_alfian09 |
@MaryVe_93 |
@ahenryeka |
@tanganjauh___ |
@HarryMha2 |
@halimvirggoo |
@shochanchan9 |
@anton_cpa_aseancpa_bkp_rna79 |
@raihan_mlya |
@AzkaParto |
@wahyugwn |
@shochanchan9 |
@luk_lie |
@puputsop |
@ayikkk_23 |
@teehuik9 |
@fadhilahtaufik2 |
@KielD_1 |
@shochanchan9 |
@re.ngga |
@rennalie |
@KielD_1 |
@bgjee1 |
@dadargenjang |
@re.ngga |
@rezky.jinglemaster |
@MaryVe_93 |
@phoneticstudios |
@Akmalr_26 |
@andiraihan85 |
@sandalwood.beats |
@xodokyso |
@Ira7864 |
@9gofur |
@tanganjauh___ |
@HarryMha2 |
@teehuik9 |
@an_alfian09 |
@Aplus19887592 |
@heyyitslilii |
@fadhilahtaufik2 |
@jckd16 |
@annoyedds |
@herawan_ |
@fizi.kun |
@tanganjauh___ |
@xhainnnn |
@rioqi_XD |
@azhar.hawa.ri |
@xnxtsy |
@Sogyeking |
@bambangp___ |
@abikosimbolon9 |
@youcan7788 |
@ayikkk_23 |
@khairullutfi_1 |
@dhymasynd |
@HerawanS |
@an_alfian09 |
@raihan_mlya |
@mangafraa |
@Irenius_denizzW |
@Ira7864 |
@fadhilahtaufik2 |
@yosepandrianus |
@azhar.hawa.ri |
@MaryVe_93 |
@bimmochandra |
@phoneticstudios |
@HarryMha2 |
@nurrialita |
@puputsop |
@tan_wendi |
@bambangp___ |
@novialanis |
@YudhaMP99 |
@ahenryeka |
@poorbrokesystem |
@luciacun |
@wahyugwn |
@combotrial |
@puputsop |
@Anton_79325 |
@rezky.jinglemaster |
@novialanis |
@fadhilahtaufik2 |
@pempidont |
@AzkaParto |
@efhraim.frei |
@marshmellowman |
@Bagus80809871 |
@buzzercuan |
@YudhaMP99 |
@luk_lie |
@domoreact |
@dhymasynd |
@tan_wendi |
*The results of the jury's decision cannot be contested
Congratulations to the winners!
Prizes will be distributed no later than 14 working days after this announcement is published!
Salam to The Moon!
For more information and updates, please refer to our social media channels at:
Telegram: TokoMall Discussion Group
Twitter: TokoMall
Facebook: TokoMall
Instagram: TokoMall.nft
Discord: TokoMall